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What to Expect During Your MRI

You will be asked to remove all jewelry and metal objects, such as watches, necklaces, eyeglasses, and the like and to change into a hospital gown. You will then lie on a table that slides into the scanner. During the scanning process, the MRI will make noise commonly described as loud banging. We can provide ear plugs or headphones to block the noise at your request.

The MRI technologists will be in another room monitoring progress and are in constant contact with the you throughout the procedure. MRIs are sensitive to motion, so you will need to hold still. The average procedure time is about 45 minutes.

If contrast is required for an exam, an IV will be started. For your comfort, your doctor may request sedations for MRI-general anesthesia, conscious sedation, or Valium. 

Preparing For Different Types of MRI


Enteroclysis is an exam performed to look at the small and large intestine. The patient drinks Volumen contrast which shows up brightly on the MRI scan. This provides a good contrast in the MRI so that the borders of the bowel can be clearly seen, allowing the radiologist to see any problems, such as fistulas, in the bowel. Most likely the patient will receive IV contrast as well.

Entroclysis is performed to:

  • Evaluate the small and large intestine.
  • Examine the borders of the bowel and check for fistulas.

Examination preparation:

  1. No eating or drinking after MIDNIGHT.
  2. Arrive one hour early for Volumen.
  3. There will three bottles and you must drink one bottle every 20 min so all three are consumed with the hour.

Enteroclysis Volumen Instructions

Exam preparation:

  1. Patient should not eat or drink anything for eight hours before MRI scan.
  2. Patient must begin drinking Volumen Barium Sulfate Suspension one and a half hours before MRI scan.
  3. Three bottles must be consumed (approximately one bottle every 20 minutes).

Cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI creates pictures of your heart as it is beating, producing both still and moving pictures of your heart and major blood vessels. Doctors use cardiac MRI to get pictures of the beating heart and to look at its structure and function. These pictures can help them decide how to treat people who have heart problems.

Cardiac MRI imaging is performed to help:

  • Evaluate the anatomy and function of the heart, valves, major vessels, and surrounding structures (such as the surrounding pericardial sac).
  • Diagnose and manage a variety of cardiovascular problems.
  • Plan a patient's treatment for cardiovascular problems and monitor patient's progress.

Cardiac MRI preparation: If you are going to have a stress cardiac MRI, we will ask you to not have anything that contains caffeine for 24 hours. This includes coffee, tea, chocolate, nicotine, energy drinks, and soda.

Patients can take their medication and eat normally. You will need to be awake for the cardiac MRI because there are many points throughout the scan where you are required to hold their breath.


A defogram is an MRI procedure that is done to evaluate abnormalities, such as urinary prolapse and urinary and fecal incontinence.

  1. Patient should not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before.
  2. Arrive 45 minutes early.
  3. Drink 250cc water on arrival to fill bladder.

Once patient is in the MRI room they will inject ultrasound gel into their rectum and another gel into the vagina for females.

Defogram/Rectal Scan

  1. Patient should not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before.
  2. Arrive one hour early before scan.
  3. Purchase and use home enema kit two hours before the scan (a second enema may be necessary for some patients).

*Enema kits may be purchased at any pharmacy or grocery store. Patients may contact their doctors for recommendations or questions about an enema.

Neurogram/Brachial Plexus MRI

A neurogram is a special MRI that focuses on the nerves. Neurograms are preformed to evaluate the nerves in a very specific area to determine pathology depending on symptoms being experienced.

Radiologists protocol these exams based on the nerves that should be visualized. These exams may be done with or without contrast depending on the preference of the physician.

Neurogram Preperation: There is no special prep for this exam. If it is necessary, patients can receive sedation for this exam.


  1. Eat a light diet the day before your prostate MRI exam.
  2. Arrive 30 minutes before the exam.

Refrain from ejaculation three days before prostate MRI.