Board Certification
American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Hematology)American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Medical Oncology)Patient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 117 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
January 16, 2025HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERDr. Tashi is very experienced, thorough, and informative. He truly makes you feel at ease. He's an expert in his area of expertise
December 01, 2024(HUNTSMAN) SOUTH JORDAN HEALTH CENTERThe personal and professional treatment I received from Dr Tashi got me the new medication I needed for treatment of my PV cancer. He went above and beyond to secure this medication for me. Thank you Dr Tashi.
November 14, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERHe is so reassuring and informs me of everything. He explains my labs the shows me comparisons. He's the best!
November 08, 2024SOUTH JORDAN HEALTH CENTERStraightforward and caring, knowing exactly how to treat my diagnosis.
November 02, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERI am grateful to have Dr. Tashi as my doctor for my rare condition. He is exceptionally bright and explains things so that I can understand. He is caring and has humor. All things I need to deal with this condition.
November 01, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERGood doctor explained and answered any questions
October 18, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERVery knowledgeable and takes the time to cover all aspects of your disease and treatment options.
October 03, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERDr. Fashion makes me feel heard. He listens to my concerns and I feel I have a say in my treatment.
October 03, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERIt was obvious from the first day Dr. Tashi knew my disease and what we could do about it.
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Internal Medicine -Primary Academic Divisions Hematology & Hematologic Malignancies
Board Certification American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Hematology)American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Medical Oncology)Education history
Graduate Training Master of Science in Clinical Investigation - University of Utah M.S.C.I Fellowship Hematology/Oncology - University of Utah Fellow Residency Internal Medicine - Creighton University Resident Residency Internal Medicine - Pingtung Christian Hospital Resident Internship Internal Medicine - MacKay Memorial Hospital Intern Professional Medical Medicine - Chang Gung University School of Medicine M.D. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Yacoub A, Abu-Zeinah G, Qin A, Tashi T, Dana W, Shih WJ, Zagrijtschuk O, Tsai CY, Geller R, Komatsu N, Mesa R, Gill H (2025). PARADIGM-PV: a randomized, multicenter phase 4 study to assess the efficacy and safety of ropeginterferon alfa-2b in patients with low- or high-risk polycythemia vera. Ann Hematol. ()
- Li P, Alnoor FNU, Xie W, Williams M, Feusier J, Ding Y, Zhao X, Zheng G, Zhao C, Zieske AW, Zu Y, Raess PW, Tantravahi S, Osman A, Patel AB, Tashi T, Patel JL, Matynia AP, Menon MP, Miles RR, Jacobsen JR, George TI, Sborov DW, Szankasi P, Rindler P, Close D, Ohgami RS (2024). Rapid growth of acquired UBA1 mutations predisposes male patients to low-risk MDS. Leukemia, 39(1), 248-256. ()
- Gotlib J, Castells M, Elberink HO, Siebenhaar F, Hartmann K, Broesby-Olsen S, George TI, Panse J, Alvarez-Twose I, Radia DH, Tashi T, Bulai Livideanu C, Sabato V, Heaney M, Van Daele P, Cerquozzi S, Dybedal I, Reiter A, Pongdee T, Barete S, Ustun C, Schwartz L, Ward BR, Schafhausen P, Vadas P, Bose P, DeAngelo DJ, Rein L, Vachhani P, Triggiani M, Bonadonna P, Rafferty M, Butt NM, Oh ST, Wortmann F, Ungerstedt J, Guilarte M, Taparia M, Kuykendall AT, Arana Yi C, Ogbogu P, Gaudy-Marqueste C, Mattsson M, Shomali W, Giannetti MP, Bidollari I, Lin HM, Sulllivan E, Mar B, Scherber R, Roche M, Akin C, Maurer M (2023). Avapritinib versus Placebo in Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis. NEJM Evid, 2(6), EVIDoa2200339. ()
- Tashi T, Yu J, Pandya S, Dieyi C, Scherber R, Parasuraman S (2023). Trends in overall mortality among US veterans with primary myelofibrosis. BMC Cancer, 23(1), 48. ()
- Chuah YY, Tashi T, Kuo CJ (2022). An unexpected cause of Cullen's sign: rupture of hepatocellular carcinoma. Br J Hosp Med (Lond), 83(11), 1. ()
- Verstovsek S, Mesa R, Mascarenhas J, Tashi T, Shih W, Sato T, Urbanski R, Zagrijtschuk O, Zimmerman C (2022). MPN-546 A Single-Arm Multicenter Study to Assess the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Ropeginterferon alfa-2b-njft (P1101) in North American Adults With Essential Thrombocythemia. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk, 22 Suppl 2, S342-S343. ()
- Feusier JE, Arunachalam S, Tashi T, Baker MJ, VanSant-Webb C, Ferdig A, Welm BE, Rodriguez-Flores JL, Ours C, Jorde LB, Prchal JT, Mason CC (2021). Large-Scale Identification of Clonal Hematopoiesis and Mutations Recurrent in Blood Cancers. Blood Cancer Discov, 2(3), 226-237. ()
- Gangaraju R, Song J, Kim SJ, Tashi T, Reeves BN, Sundar KM, Thiagarajan P, Prchal JT (2019). Thrombotic, inflammatory, and HIF-regulated genes and thrombosis risk in polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia. Blood Adv, 4(6), 1115-1130. ()
- Tashi T, Deininger MW (2023). Management of Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis and Associated Myeloid Neoplasms. [Review]. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am, 43(4), 723-741. ()
- Tashi T (2022). Hematocrit, White Blood Cells, and Thrombotic Events in the Veteran Population With Polycythemia Vera. [Review]. Fed Pract, 39(Suppl 2), S43-S46. ()
Case Report
- Chuah YY, Tashi T, Lee YY, Fu TY, Shih CA (2020). Enteropathy-associated T-cell Lymphoma (EATL) with intracranial metastasis : a rare and dismal condition. Acta Gastroenterol Belg, 83(1), 77-80. ()
- Song J, Tashi T, Prchal JT (2019). Editorial Comment on: Inhibition of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death by Chronic Hypoxia by Tang et al. (From: Tang F, Feng L, Li R, Wang W, Liu H, Yang Q, Ge R-L. High Alt Med Biol 2019;20:112-119; DOI: 10.1089/ham.2017.0159). High Alt Med Biol, 20(2), 120-121. ()
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Clinical Trials