Multiple myeloma is a complex blood cancer that often presents with subtle yet serious symptoms. Understanding its early warning signs, the latest advancements in treatment, and strategies for managing remission...
Essential tremor affects millions, making even simple tasks like eating or writing a challenge. While medications can help, they do not work for everyone. Neurosurgeon Shervin Rahimpour, MD, explains how...
As a parent, if you suspect your child may be engaging in self-harming behaviors, you may not be sure what to do to help. Psychiatrist Thomas Conover, MD, explains how...
Lower back pain is the second most common reason Americans visit their doctor. Acute back pain can be caused by an injury or have an unexplained, sudden onset and can...
Substance use in children can start as early as middle school. While experimentation is common in teens, it's important as a parent to know how to have conversations that can...