Shoulder instability can disrupt your daily life, limit your activities, and increase the risk of recurring injuries, especially for athletes. Tom Miller, MD, talks with orthopedic surgeon Patrick Greis, MD...
Tendon injuries like tendonitis and tennis elbow may seem like a regular part of working out, but you should take steps to avoid them. Once you have a tendon injury...
Learning about the diagnosis of an illness can be overwhelming. For older patients who may have sensory loss or potential mental complications, understanding and remembering the doctor鈥檚 orders can be...
Rather than seek professional help for opioid abuse some people addicted to those drugs turn to the Web for solutions for easing their withdrawals. One product being misused to treat...
Cancer is the result of back luck, bad genes, unhealthy behavior, or a combination of all three. While you can't control your luck or your genes, you can control your...
The unexpected death of a child is tragic under any circumstance, but it becomes even more so when the reason why is unknown. Martin Tristani-Firouzi, MD, a pediatric cardiologist at...
Need to get back on birth control but don鈥檛 have time for a clinic visit? There鈥檚 an app for that. Finding time to get to the doctor can be difficult...
Barbara Crouch, director of the Utah Poison Control Center, tells us about the types of calls they鈥檝e been receiving as a result of the algae bloom at Utah Lake and...
Spinal scoliosis is a degenerative spinal disease that can cause extreme pain or weakness in the legs while walking. In some extreme cases it can even lead to a curvature...
If you're a scientist, systematic reviews - a survey of published results to answer a specific research question - may not be as easy to carry out as you think...
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that can put pressure on the nerve roots in the back. It鈥檚 caused by age-related wear and tear or congenital factors...
Nearly anyone who has worked in research is familiar with the frustrating scenario: a postdoc leaves for another job, and with him goes all sorts of valuable knowledge. It鈥檚 become...
Surgical site infections are fairly common after an operation. Even with the sterile environment and clean tools, infections can happen. These infections can be treatable and are fairly low risk...