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My Teenage Years are Over but I'm Still Getting Acne – Am I Normal?

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My Teenage Years are Over but I'm Still Getting Acne – Am I Normal?

Jun 25, 2015

It’s been years—even decades— since puberty and your first period, so why do you still break out like a teenager? Dr. Kirtly Jones says although many people think it’s an issue for a dermatologist, it’s also a hormonal issue. She talks about the science behind hormone changes throughout your life and how that can affect your skin. She also gives some tips that can help clear up your skin.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: Puberty's over, but you still have acne. Is this normal? We'll find out next on The Scope.

Announcer: Questions every woman wonders about her health, body, and mind. This is, Am I Normal? On, The Scope.

Interviewer: I'm here today with Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones, she's the expert on all things woman. Dr. Jones, I have one question that's on my mind. I feel like it's on the mind of a lot of other women. My teenage years are over, I'm supposed to be done with acne, but I still have them. First of all, why is acne happening, and is it a normal thing?

Dr. Jones: It's important for the listener to understand, I'm not a dermatologist. I am a reproductive endocrinologist, so I am a ladies hormone doctor. Acne is related to hormones. So what happens is that your skin makes oils, and the little hair follicles that you have on your face make oils. But when you go through puberty, both men and women start making more male hormones which actually start to make more oils in the skin. Female hormones are also made at the same time, but the oils of the skin then can get infected a little or build up, and that's how you get acne.

So when you're young, and a young male or a young female, your hormones are high, right? Every mother knows that, every teen knows that. And not everyone gets acne, but people who are predisposed to this who have certain kinds of genes, or who have certain kinds of bacteria in their skin, can get acne. Acne's very common in adolescence. So you say, okay fine, your hormones are kind of wacky the first couple years of your periods, but then they settle down and you think "Why do I still have acne?"

Well certainly there are some people who have acne all their life, and those people should see a dermatologist if it's severe acne with big bumps that are very painful and get infected, because there's medication that can calm down your skin. Many young women know, that when they go on the pill for contraception and actually can go on the pill just for their skin, that many of the new pills can calm down the male hormones, and it can significantly improve their skin.

However for women to continue to have significant acne after the first rocking and rolling years of adolescence, they may actually have a hormone problem. Particularly women who also have irregular periods. So there is a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, about 1 in 20 women have this. It's associated with irregular periods. Eggs that kind of get stuck in development in the ovaries and so they don't grow and ovulate, so their periods are irregular, and these little eggs, these little follicles that make the eggs make male hormones. So women with this condition often have irregular periods and persistent acne. So this may carry on, and it's worthwhile talking to your clinician about it, because in fact, there are things that can make your face better. So that's the good news.

Interviewer: If it's related to hormones, do I have to see a dermatologist then?

Dr. Jones: I think if it's something which isn't the most severe kind of what we call cystic acne, that's going to take a medication that only dermatologists prescribe. It's not uncommon, particularly during the early teenage years, when women have acne and they have irregular periods. For their moms to bring them in maybe for their very first visit to the gynecologist and say, "You know gosh she's got acne, and she has irregular periods and I had that when I was a teen and I went on pills and my face just cleared up beautifully." I say "Great. If it's the right thing for your daughter, we can do that now." So that's an appropriate choice.

Interviewer: So what I'm hearing is, your hormones are kind of out of whack during your teenage years and that's the main reason why young girls and guys get acne. But then what happens when you grow older say in your 20s or 30s, even into your 40s and 50s and you still have acne, is it still because of your hormones?

Dr. Jones: Well it's still hormones in the sense that it's still hormones that are active in your face. However, everybody makes hormones during the reproductive years and men continue to make hormones all their life. So the question is, if you have continued to may have acne after adolescence, then it's worth seeing a dermatologist or and a gynecologist, who can sometimes work together to come up with the right hormone package for you, and the right anti-acne package for you. So here's, here's the other thing. So just as hormones are a little bit wacky at the beginning of reproductive life, they get that way at the end too. And about 10% of women going through menopause get acne again.

Interviewer: Wait you get acne during menopause, is this a Dr. Kirtly Jones problem, or is this still a dermatologist problem?

Dr. Jones: So if you get acne after, when you're going through menopause, it's probably both, in a sense that for certainly menopause women are at the age when they want the dermatologist to look at their skin so they can get a skin check. But a skin check by dermatologists is often just an excuse for someone to say, "Oh I have acne, my skin's not great, but can you look at these wrinkles right here, what can I do about that?" '

In fact, the transition into the perimenopause can cause acne again, because women's hormones are a little disrupted. Again, women may actually stop making as many ovulations, they may make a little bit more male hormones. The other important thing is the dermatologist can separate what is acne from what's rosacea.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Jones: So there's another condition of the skin common in women of menopausal years that can look like acne in that it's red and it's bumpy.

Interviewer: It's not.

Dr. Jones: But it's not. You don't treat it the same way. Now, for women who are going through menopause who get acne, the good news is, as they get older, the ovaries stop working entirely and in general it gets better. The other news is that some women who go on hormone replacement therapy, estrogen and progesterone or estrogen alone if they don't have a uterus, they often notice that their skin gets a little bit better because they're balancing things out a little bit.

So, A, your dermatologist can help differentiate what's acne from what's rosacea, a bumpy condition where your skin gets quite red, and it gets a lot redder when you have hot flashes. That's no fun. And they can make that difference and they can help guide you in terms of what might be the best therapy. And ladies, I've never seen a 70-year-old with acne so good news from that.

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