The holidays fill the air with happiness and cheer, yet they can also carry stress and sadness for many people, especially those who deal with an underlying mental health condition...
El suicidio es un acontecimiento tr谩gico y a menudo tiene un efecto domin贸 en los amigos, las familias, los vecinos, los compa帽eros de trabajo y otras personas que conoc铆an a...
La temporada navide帽a puede ser emocionante, estresante, feliz y triste, todo al mismo tiempo. En medio de todas esas emociones, puede ser dif铆cil recordar tomar un respiro y apreciar lo...
The holiday season can be exciting, stressful, happy, and sad鈥攁ll at the same time. Amid all those emotions, it can be difficult to remember to take a breath and appreciate...
If someone you know is affected by suicide, remember to be kind, non-judgmental, and open-hearted. Here are a few tips to help you create space for healing.
Scientists at 麻豆学生精品版 are generating clumps of human brain cells in a dish that resemble some features of a growing human brain. This innovation is improving brain...
After an amputation, some patients may feel pain in their residual limbs, known as phantom pain or stump pain. Describing your post-amputation pain can help your doctor accurately diagnose and...
A medida que los d铆as se hacen m谩s cortos y oscuros y la nieve empieza a caer, las personas empiezan a sentir menos energ铆a, son menos productivas y empiezan a...
As the days get shorter and darker, people begin to feel less energy, are less likely to be productive and begin to feel hopeless. These are common symptoms of SAD鈥攁...
Es hora de volver los relojes hacia a tras, lo que significa una hora m谩s de sue帽o. Oscurecer谩 antes, pero ganaremos una hora de luz por la ma帽ana. Y aunque...
It's time to fall back, which means another hour of sleep. While the early evening sunset may be dreaded, most sleep experts and organizations are in favor of keeping standard...
Los profesionales de la salud mental han advertido que soportar un estr茅s extraordinario y unas circunstancias sin precedentes durante varios a帽os tiene efectos duraderos. En el mundo actual, no faltan...
If you're interested in starting a plant-based, research shows that a diet focused on whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lean proteins significantly lowers the risk of heart disease and many...
Once a year, for 31 days, spooky becomes a societal norm. We willingly seek out fear each Halloween. It is, however, important to know the differences between a seasonal thrill...
We've all been there. Out of nowhere, your eye starts twitching. So what's going on? Here are some answers to common questions about this universal experience.
Participar en las celebraciones de Halloween es una experiencia importante para los ni帽os, pero hay algunas cosas que usted puede hacer para cuidar la salud dental de sus hijos durante...
El ictus, tambi茅n conocido como un accidente -infarto o derrame- cerebrovascular, es una de las principales causas de discapacidad grave a largo plazo, y m谩s de 795.000 estadounidenses sufren un...
Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability, and more than 795,000 Americans have a stroke each year. Through better public awareness of the signs and risk factors, we...
News about the sunshine vitamin isn't quite so sunny these days as vitamin D deficiencies are on the rise. Learn about why vitamin D is essential to your health and...
Lacrosse is a thrilling, fast-moving sport to both play and watch. Although the rules of the game differ between girls and boys, all athletes are prone to injuries as they...
If you injure your finger while playing sports, rock climbing, or gardening, you may be unsure if you've sustained serious damage, such as a fracture, sprain, or dislocation. Or maybe...
La dentici贸n es un hito importante en la vida de un ni帽o. Aunque puede ser un momento doloroso tanto para el ni帽o como para los padres, el cuidado de los...
Todos hemos o铆do hablar del brillo del embarazo, cuando las mujeres embarazadas tienen un cabello grueso y abundante gracias al aumento de los niveles de estr贸geno. Pero despu茅s de la...