Board Certification
American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Cardiovascular Disease)American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Interventional Cardiology)Patient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 187 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
January 25, 2025EXTERNAL SITEA very outstanding Doctor. Listen to you and makes you feel at ease.
January 17, 2025UNIVERSITY HOSPITALDr.Tandar is an excellent doctor you can trust. I was impressed.
December 18, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSHe is very good at describing what the process will be and answered all of my questions and concerns.
December 15, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSHe was wonderful and is helping me with my problem
December 14, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Tandar is an exemplary provider and the most dedicated doctor at this hospital. He possesses incredible level of emotional intelligence and genuinely the most caring physician. Please take care of this incredible contributor.i am unable to express my gratitude to him fully.
December 12, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSI like Dr. The oven! [TRANSLATED]
December 05, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSHe was very informative and kind.
November 27, 2024UNIVERSITY HOSPITALMade me understand what my procedure would involve
November 26, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSVery cool and informative explanations were useful so I could understand and I appreciate that
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Internal Medicine -Primary Academic Divisions Cardiovascular Medicine
Board Certification American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Cardiovascular Disease)American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Interventional Cardiology)Education history
Fellowship Interventional Cardiology/Peripheral Interventional Training - University of Utah-LDS Hospital Fellow Fellowship Cardiology - University of Utah, Department of Medicine Fellow Internship St Vincent Hospital, Worcester Medical Center Intern Residency Internal Medicine - Saint Vincent Hospital at Worcester Medical Center-University of Massachusetts Resident Fellowship Honorary Fellow, Surgery - National University Hospital Fellow Professional Medical Medicine - Sriwijaya University M.D. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Munir B Muhammad, Tan Z, Pun H P, Wang Y, Tandar A, Darden D, Hsu C J, Friedman D, Curtis J, Freeman V J (2024). Association of Chronic Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure with Replacement Therapy with Procedural and Long-Term Outcomes after First Generation Watchman Devices: Insight from the NCDR LAAO Registry. Heart Rhythm.
- Belt H, Enakpene EO, Jensen JL, Moe AP, Carveth H, Cahill BC, Hatton N, Liou TG, Tandar A (2024). Patent Foramen Ovale and Oxygenation in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Respiration, 1-16. ()
- Steinberg BA, Tandar A, Whitehead KJ (2024). Helix-fixed leadless pacemaker implantation through a valve-in-valve tricuspid prosthesis via the femoral approach. J Interv Card Electrophysiol, 67(5), 915-917. ()
- Benck KN, Nesbitt K, Dranow E, Glotzbach JP, Tandar A, Pereira SJ (2024). Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Improves Quality of Life and Ventricular Function With Low-Flow/Low-Gradient Aortic Stenosis. J Soc Cardiovasc Angiogr Interv, 3(3 Pt A). ()
- Marashly Q, Taleb I, Kyriakopoulos CP, Dranow E, Jones TL, Tandar A, Overton SD, Tonna JE, Stoddard K, Wever-Pinzon O, Kemeyou L, Koliopoulou AG, Shah KS, Nourian K, Richins TJ, Burnham TS, Welt FG, McKellar SH, Nativi-Nicolau J, Drakos SG (2021). Predicting mortality in cardiogenic shock secondary to ACS requiring short-term mechanical circulatory support: The ACS-MCS score. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv, 98(7), 1275-1284. ()
- Jones TL, Gowani SA, Abraham A, Sharma V, Glotzbach J, Morgan D, Welt FGP, Tandar A (2020). Trans-Septal Puncture Through Gore® Cardioform Septal Occluder Device - Step by Step Approach. Cardiovasc Revasc Med, 23, 91-93. ()
- Tandar A, Sharma V, Ibrahim M, Jones T, Morgan D, Montzingo C, Lee J, Birgenheier N, Silverton N, Abraham A, Welt FGP, Glotzbach JP (2021). Preventing or Minimizing Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. J Invasive Cardiol, 33(1), E32-E39. ()
- Taleb L, Koliopoulou AG, Tandar A, Tonna JE, Villela MA, Overton SD, Welt F, Stehlik JGilbert EM, Nativi-Nicolau J, Wever-Pinzon O, Selzman CH, McKellar SH, Fang JC, Drakos SG (2019). Shock Team Approach in Refractory Cardiogenic Shock Requiring Short-Term Mechanical Circulatory Support: A Proof of Concept . Circulation, 140, 98-100.
Case Report
- Jones TL, Sharma V, Glotzbach JP, Welt FGP, Tandar A (2020). Is timing everything? Bioprosthetic valve fracture in valve-in-valve TAVR. J Card Surg, 35(11), 3242-3243. ()
- Sturm RC, Harrison J, Tandar A (2021). Frailty and TAVR-Is this the hard-to-define glass ceiling? Cardiovasc Revasc Med, 34, 61-62. ()
- Tandar A, Catino A, Sharma V (2020). Aortic Stenosis and Malignancy-A Shift in Trajectory: Management of Aortic Stenosis in Cancer Patients. Cardiovasc Revasc Med, 23, 66-67. ()
- Tandar A, Nielsen J, Whisenant BK (2020). Left Atrial Appendage Closure Review: Addressing Unmet Needs of AF Mediated Stroke Prevention with Evolving Science [Abstract].
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