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What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a unique technology that uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate your unwanted fat cells. This technique does not use surgery or taking time off of work.

Is CoolSculpting Safe?

The procedure is FDA-cleared, safe, and effective, with long lasting results.

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Fat cells don鈥檛 like the cold and freeze at a certain temperature. When they do, your body naturally eliminates the dead cells in one to three months or more. This freezing usually leads to a 20-25 percent reduction of fat in a treated area.

How Long to See CoolSculpting Results?

You will likely need more than one treatment to get your desired results. After two the three treatments, however, you will start to see the effects of your sessions in a reduction of fat in the treated area(s).

Chin, Arms, and Other Areas CoolSculpting Treats

Your provider will work with you to identify which areas on your body would benefit most from treatment.

Nine areas are FDA approved including:

  • under the chin and below the jawline,
  • flanks,
  • abdomen (love handles),
  • outer thighs,
  • inner thighs,
  • distal thigh,
  • bra fat area,
  • upper arms, and
  • underneath your butt.

Before & After Results


Before & After

Before & After #1

Before & After #2

Before & After #3

What to Expect at a CoolSculpting Session

Your technician will place the CoolSculpting applicator on the area(s) you鈥檙e targeting during the session. It will apply controlled cooling with firm suction directly to your skin to freeze the fat cells.

During treatment, you鈥檒l feel a slight sucking sensation as the applicator adheres to your body. You may also experience sensations of:

  • pulling,
  • tugging,
  • mild pinching,
  • intense cold,
  • tingling,
  • stinging,
  • aching, and
  • cramping.

Usually, these sensations subside as the area becomes numb during treatment.

Treatment lasts for about an hour on each area of your body that the technician treats. Many people read, watch TV, check emails, or even take a nap during treatment.

CoolSculpting Side Effects

Typical side effects after your treatment include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching, or skin sensitivity. You may also feel a fullness at the back of the throat if you are treated in the chin area.

One rare side effect includes paradoxical hyperplasia (tissue in the treatment area that looks larger). This may develop two to five months after treatment. It does require surgery to correct.

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CoolSculpting Vs. Liposuction

Coolsculpting is a noninvasive treatment, whereas liposuction requires anesthesia and surgery. Liposuction does require recovery time, but you鈥檒l see results immediately after surgery and recovery. Ultimately, liposuction results are more dramatic than those of Coolsculpting.

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Find out more about what CoolSculpting can do for you. Call 801-581-2955 or

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